I’ve written about the planned game for the Saturday group a couple of times, but one thing that’s been interesting for me is that various meta-considerations have altered my plans for it, though the general plan remains the same. So let’s talk about the way that’s happened, how the changes […]
Monthly Archives: July 2020
This week’s episode is the second-quarter Patreon topic (a little late). We’ve referenced cosmic horror a number of times throughout our run, but never in this kind of depth. As is usual, we spend a bit of time catching up and then move into our Patreon question, supplied this time […]
A quick acknowledgment and thank-you to my supervisor at work is in order. I had him look this over before I posted it, and he thought of a couple of things I didn’t. In particular, the note about URL shorteners is to his credit. This post has been on my […]
Not feeling well and not being able to get to the internet robbed us of Jenny this week. However, despite that lack, this was a great episode because we had an awesome guest host! Paranoia writer WJ MacGuffin joined us to talk about incorporating real-world faiths into our gaming. We […]