Download this episode (right-click to save) It’s a special Halloween episode, this time on undeath! Well, okay, it’s at least a Halloween episode, and that counts for something. We start things off with a quick update on our Twitch stream schedule (Peter’s streaming Pathfinder: Kingmaker on Wednesdays for a while, […]
Our Weekend Reading series (brought to you by our Patreon backers) continues with a curated selection of articles—and a few other things—from around the Internet that interested us this week! We’re currently on an every-other-week schedule. Jenny While, once again, browsing Atlas Obscura, I came across a fascinating article about the relationship between […]
Our Weekend Reading series (brought to you by our Patreon backers) continues with a curated selection of articles—and a few other things—from around the Internet that interested us this week! Grant Everyone who reads these Weekend Reading posts likely knows that I’m a huge U2 fan. They’ve produced some tremendous albums over 37 years […]
As I sit down to write this, it’s late Sunday morning. I’ve just come back from church and I’ve been marinating in the news about the events surround a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville that left 3 dead. My pastor was pretty unequivocal from the pulpit this morning – and […]
Our Weekend Reading series (brought to you by our Patreon backers) continues with a curated selection of fascinating articles—and a few other things—from around the Internet. Jenny To tie back to one of our earlier weekend reading posts, here is another chicken church! This one seems to be much less intentional, but […]