A quick note: our two-week lead time can sometimes mean that a lot happens between when we record an episode and when we release it. On may 25th, four officers of the Minneapolis, MN police department killed George Floyd, an unarmed black man. On May 28th, we recorded this episode […]
3 posts
Our Ten Commandments series returns with a discussion of the Sixth Commandment: “You shall not murder.” First, though, Jenny’s got a lot of Overlight to talk about! We got to sit down and play it, and it was quite fun. Grant’s also got an Eberron game in the works, and […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Grant and Peter kick off a new Historical Heresies series, analyzing heresies from the early Church! Without much additional news, we dive right into our Scripture and topic, starting with Adoptionism and Ebionism. Along the way, we explain what we hope our listeners can learn from this new series […]