Grant and I have been in the same physical location a few times, and we’ve been in the same RPG session many more times, but never both at once. All of the tabletop RPG sessions that included both of us have occurred when we were both at home, and I […]
Monthly Archives: October 2015
Download this episode (right click and save) Grant and Peter take a large tangent in our discussion about heresies in the early Church, and turn it into its own episode on creeds! We discuss the uses of creeds in the early Church (and in other organizations), with plenty of historical examples, […]
“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” – C.S. Lewis I was really intense as a younger gamer. I collected gaming books at a dizzying speed – enough to fill two bookcases, and I […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Grant and Peter kick off a new Historical Heresies series, analyzing heresies from the early Church! Without much additional news, we dive right into our Scripture and topic, starting with Adoptionism and Ebionism. Along the way, we explain what we hope our listeners can learn from this new series […]