Our Weekend Reading series continues with fascinating articles—and a few other things—from around the Internet. Grant Oddly enough, all of my suggestions this week deal with the written word in one way or another. From Zachary Totah over at Speculative Faith, an article on discernment in reading: “To […]
Blog Posts
My church did something interesting and different this past Sunday: we told each other jokes instead of having a traditional sermon. The practice of doing this the weekend after Easter Sunday is called “Bright Sunday” or “Holy Humor Sunday” as it was in my church and apparently goes back quite […]
It’s back! Our Weekend Reading series continues with fascinating articles—and a few other things—from around the Internet. Prepare for unaccountable interest. Grant “The Crumbling Chicken Church in Java“. A meditation by Luke Harrington over at Christ & Pop Culture on a peculiar Javanese landmark, 2 Kings 4, and what happens […]
Hi folks! One of the things we’ve had as a Patreon goal (which we’ve just officially reached) is a weekly post of stuff that’s relevant to StG listeners, or at least that we ourselves like enough to want to share. We’re each going to try to pick three things to […]
He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. -Matthew 28:6 One of the interesting peculiarities of the United Methodist denomination that I belong to is that we rotate our clergy periodically. United Methodist pastors will serve with a local church […]
It’s one of the unfortunate facts of life that where there are young children, there also will be illness, especially once those children start heading off to places where other young children are. Church nurseries, preschools, and elementary schools are, despite the best efforts of the adults working at them, […]
In the upcoming Episode 106 there is some mention of “shades of gray” not just meaning the darker end of the spectrum. And then today I ran across an article titled Democracy and the Demonization of the Good by Richard Beck. While the article is primarily inspired by thoughts about […]
It has been a rough couple of weeks, no two ways about it. Those who follow me on social media may have seen a blog post from my personal blog memorializing the passing of the first pet my wife and I had together: our beloved cat Storm. His death and […]
Mass Effect: Andromeda is coming out next month, so I’ve dived back into the second and third games in the series. (I skipped the first because I don’t have it as part of a digital game client and I’m not exactly sure where my discs went.) It’s interesting the things […]
Last session in the D&D game, we came to a horrifying realization: a powerful evil NPC we’d covertly stolen an item from (a witch/hag that goes by “Auntie Bloat”) at the behest of a good NPC had found the colony and had managed to sneak in and make a deal […]
A few sessions back Lambert, my PC in our D&D game, almost died in a fight. The party is a fairly low-level one, and the giant spiders they were fighting could do a decent amount of damage. Lambert was rolling poorly, and the spiders were not – despite his high […]
On this New Year’s Day, hear the good news that God allows do-overs. God created do-overs. We get a second chance…or a third, or fourth, or fifth…or seventy times seven. -From the January 1 church bulletin of the Marengo United Methodist Church. A lot of us make resolutions around this […]