A few sessions back Lambert, my PC in our D&D game, almost died in a fight. The party is a fairly low-level one, and the giant spiders they were fighting could do a decent amount of damage. Lambert was rolling poorly, and the spiders were not – despite his high […]
On this New Year’s Day, hear the good news that God allows do-overs. God created do-overs. We get a second chance…or a third, or fourth, or fifth…or seventy times seven. -From the January 1 church bulletin of the Marengo United Methodist Church. A lot of us make resolutions around this […]
Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” -Matthew 9:13 (ESV) We had a very interesting moment in our D&D game this past weekend. First, a bit of set-up. The player characters had been sent off […]
As I was working today, the unexpected happened: the building lost power. Since I work in a warehouse without much in the way of windows and it’s for a company that sells IT equipment, the effect was pretty dramatic. The building was plunged into inky darkness, lit only by a […]
Due to a scheduling mix-up on my part, this week’s blog post will be up this evening instead of this morning. My apologies. Peter
From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honor, and they will not be disdained. -Jeremiah 30:19 (NIV) My favorite holiday approaches rapidly. I know, I know. Most people like […]
“Jesus said to them, ‘Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’ And they marveled at him.” -Mark 12:17 (ESV) As this post goes live, it will be election day here in the US. Thank. Goodness. The last election cycle has been […]
Jack Chick died this past weekend. For those too young to remember, back in 1984, Jack Chick published his now-infamous “Dark Dungeons” tract, and as we discussed with Chris Ode in episode 88, 32 years later we as gamers are still dealing with the fallout. But I tell you, love […]
Grant has written a number of very well-thought-out reports on our D&D game from a GM’s perspective, but so far, aside from mentioning it on the show, I’ve been a little quiet on the game, other than stating repeatedly what a blast I’m having. I’d like to take some time […]
Listeners to the podcast have probably sussed out that I enjoy digital RPGs about as much as tabletop ones, albeit in a different way. Some of the first games I ever played on a computer were the old Sierra King’s Quest games, and in particular, the third entry in that […]
Grant floated the idea of doing a post introducing the player characters for our D&D game casually to me in a Facebook message earlier, and any other ideas that were half-formed in my brain immediately got stuffed into a metaphorical drawer. The idea is just too perfect to let go. […]
You’ll probably notice that I sound a little tinnier and more distant in episode 91 than I normally do. Audacity picked up my webcam instead of my much-nicer normal microphone and we didn’t catch it until the show was being edited. The good news is that since this was a […]