This is a work of short fiction I wrote back in 2013 for the Sojourn anthology. Thanks to the extremely-generous terms of that anthology’s publishing agreement, the full rights have reverted back to me, and so I am pleased to present this to you as part of the Christmas season. […]
A quick note: especially observant readers of the blog may notice that the title of this sub-series has been changed and that change has been populated backward to the last couple of entries. The URLs have been left untouched, but I think “Moral Universe” more accurately captures the essence of […]
Two quick notes: First, a bit of credit where credit is due.. One of my oldest friends is a PhD-in-training, specializing in the Holocaust. He helped me avoid an ill-advised analogy by tracking down some German-language resources about some obscure WWII events and one of the figures associated with them. […]
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. -John 1:5 As I referenced in my previous blog post in this series, I’ve been gradually working on a new setting for some theoretical future campaign. Because I’m still waiting on some rules resources to actually be […]
I’ve written and spoken on the podcast a bit about the angst I’ve experienced with violence in the D&D game, and that finally came to a head last Saturday when I finally decided that something had to give. As it turns out, that something was my own angst. The party […]
Fair warning: a LOT of the links in this blog post will take you to music videos, and a significant number of them are loud. Bear that in mind as you click around. For this week’s blog post, I thought I’d try something a little different. In the same vein […]
If you hang out in pretty much any RPG forums for any significant amount of time, you’ll see threads on so-called DMPCs or GMPCs – a character that’s in the party and is played by the GM as a PC. This is wisely generally considered a no-no. Even if the […]
On September 2, our gaming group finally managed to get back together for the first time in over two months, and we have one major piece of unfinished business hanging over us from before the break. Auntie Bloat. We’ve been through our initial fear, and our side quests of leveling […]
It’s probably pretty likely at this point that you’ve seen some of the angry memes about “thoughts and prayers” circulating around the internet, the basic message of which is “how about instead of thinking or praying about this thing, you do something instead?” There’s an old Latin phrase that’s been […]
As I sit down to write this, it’s late Sunday morning. I’ve just come back from church and I’ve been marinating in the news about the events surround a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville that left 3 dead. My pastor was pretty unequivocal from the pulpit this morning – and […]
Feeling a bit of writer’s block, I reached out to my co-hosts for ideas for this week’s blog post and Grant asked me to do one on working up the drive to get involved with charitable or mission work. (To be brutally honest, that seemed like kind of an odd […]
It’s sometimes a little bit amazing to me that at the age of 38, I’m still finding the limits of my tolerance for things. It’s also telling that my tolerance for certain things has decreased over the years. Before we go any further in this post, though, I need to […]