Download this episode (right click and save) Grant and Peter are back at it with part three of our Historical Heresies series. This time, we introduce a major competitor to Christianity in the Western Roman Empire, and a particularly interesting (read: complex and imaginative) Gnostic tradition: Manichaeism! We also provide […]
Yearly Archives: 2015
This is going to be another short one, because it’s a very busy time of year (“hustle and bustle” translates to “chaos, pandemonium, and/or anarchy” when you work in retail) but I’d be remiss if I didn’t wish you all Merry Christmas! Also, while I’ve got you here: Grant and […]
Download this episode (right click and save) It’s a shorter episode this week, due to recording right after Thanksgiving and Grant (and the rest of his household) being very sick. Still, that doesn’t stop us from plugging our Bodhana Group fundraiser before getting into our main topic: Group management! We talk […]
The semester ends this week, and as a result, I’ve been spending a lot of quality time with my keyboard. Between this blog post and the last of the stuff I need to do for school, by the end of the night, I’ll have composed something like 3,000 words. Good […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Rev. Derek White, a.k.a. “The Geekpreacher“, joins Grant and Peter once again! Derek joined us previously on Episode 38, “Christians on the Convention Scene”, and he’s back with us to discuss another weighty topic: Walter Wink’s “myth of redemptive violence” and René Girard’s […]
It’s going to be a short blog post this week – Thanksgiving is on Thursday, and that means a lot of traveling and feasting for a lot of us. Because my wife and I have to hit two families, I don’t get a chance to do much (usually any) gaming […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Grant and Peter reprise Episode 60’s “Gaming Curriculum” topic, with another set of suggested media! These are things we think you should read, watch, play, or experience away from the gaming table which will make you a better player and gamemaster. Check the full […]
Fallout 4 comes out the day this blog post drops. Finally. I’ve really enjoyed every prior game in the series that released for the PC, and with the one exception of Fallout Tactics (which fell victim to a late, game-breaking bug), I’ve finished all of them at least twice. It […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Our holiday fundraiser for The Bodhana Group has officially begun! Grant and a recuperating Peter kick off this episode with a plug for that, before diving into the complex structure and philosophy of Gnosticism in order to lay a foundation for further episodes on […]
Grant and I have been in the same physical location a few times, and we’ve been in the same RPG session many more times, but never both at once. All of the tabletop RPG sessions that included both of us have occurred when we were both at home, and I […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Grant and Peter take a large tangent in our discussion about heresies in the early Church, and turn it into its own episode on creeds! We discuss the uses of creeds in the early Church (and in other organizations), with plenty of historical examples, […]
“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” – C.S. Lewis I was really intense as a younger gamer. I collected gaming books at a dizzying speed – enough to fill two bookcases, and I […]