In keeping with tradition—sort of—Grant presents a very special Christmas bonus episode: A reading of a unique sermon given on Christmas Day, 1986, by Rev. Bob Lawrence of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC. You can find previous sermons in this series here! Merry Christmas, from all of us to […]
Grant Woodward
After several episodes with either more or less than the three main hosts, Grant, Peter, and Jenny finally get to sit down together and talk about monsters just in time for Halloween! First, though, there’s a bit of catching up to do, and a delightful question from Patreon supporter Richard […]
With Grant out again for chaotic work-related reasons, Jenny and Peter are collaborating again—this time on setting material for Peter’s new D&D game! First, though, we answer a Patreon question from Douglas Underhill, who asks us “If you statted yourself as a 5E character, how would you allocate the default […]
(Update: The Ross Rifles Kickstarter is live right now! If the game interests you—and it certainly interested us!—be sure to back it and help support this excellent project.) Creative professional and storyteller Daniel Kwan joins us on this episode to talk about gaming in historical settings! Daniel is a former […]
Our Ten Commandments series finally wraps up this episode, and we end it on a high note! (Yes, even despite the episode going up almost a day late.) We’ve got a bit of a preview of an upcoming discussion to start with, as Grant’s kicking off a game of Offworlders. […]
Grant’s out on vacation in lovely Myrtle Beach, SC this week, so Jenny and Peter tackle a special project—working together to create a unique setting centerpiece for a game Jenny will be running at her library! First, we answer a question from Patreon supporter Tom Stephens, who asks, “What is […]
Guest—and possible honorary host—Krissi Woodward joins us this episode to break down her first time running a tabletop roleplaying game! Krissi ran a very successful arc of World of Darkness: Innocents for our gaming group and was willing to discuss that experience with us. First, a little bit about shiny […]
We’re nearing the end of our Ten Commandments series! This episode tackles lying—or as the Ten Commandments are commonly translated, “bearing false witness.” First, though, Peter talks a bit about his entry in the World Anvil worldbuilding contest; we discuss Krissi’s Innocents game and how it wrapped up, as well […]
This week’s topic is a sort of follow-up to our latest episode in our Ten Commandments series, except it’s also entirely City On A Hill Gaming‘s fault, we promise! We’re talking about how to make treasure and wealth in your games exciting and unique without surrendering the player characters’ moral […]
Bryan and Mike from the Geek at Arms podcast join us this week to talk about the unwritten rules at our gaming tables (and elsewhere in our lives!) Geek at Arms is an excellent, thoughtful podcast in the geeky faith space and we’re delighted to have two of its three […]
Oh, hey, guess who’s back! That’s right—Grant rejoins Peter and Jenny back on the mics. (And thank you, seriously, for everyone who reached out or who prayed for me. It’s really appreciated. – G.) We pick up our Ten Commandments series with the Eight Commandment, “Thou shalt not steal,” and […]
Jenny and Peter welcome Kyle Rudge of Geekdom House and Mythos & Ink back onto the mics, this time to talk about publishing! We’ve a bit of news first—Grant’s out for a bit due to some health issues, and that’s also shaken up our gaming schedule, which means there might […]