Hi folks, this post comes at the end of some intense discussion on behalf of the hosts. We’ve been discussing what works, what doesn’t, how it affects our lives, and who is in charge of what here at Saving the Game and we’re simplifying and changing a few things. The […]
3 posts
It’s been quite a while (several years) since we’ve had to post one of these. Hopefully it’ll be just as long before we need to again. We pride ourselves on being punctual with the podcast and blog posts. However, sometimes, it’s just out of your hands, and this is definitely […]
Thanks to some pretty extravagant patron generosity and us finally getting around to cleaning up our Patreon tiers, rewards, and goals, we have an expanded explanation of how our streaming will work and some slight changes to the schedule. As long as we stay over the $60 mark on Patreon, […]