As I’ve mentioned in a few previous blog posts (that you can find here and here) I’ve been working on a new campaign, but I’m missing some key resources that I’m going to be using to run it. Namely the Arcana of the Ancients books from Monte Cook Games, which […]
As always, you can find all the posts in this series by clicking here. Phew! It’s been a while since I put one of these out, and while the intensity has dropped a bit, I haven’t been totally idle on this project, either. Unlike some of the previous posts, this […]
After running into a case of writer’s block last week, I polled the folks in our Discord server for ideas, and DM Dad, loyal listener, Patreon backer, and friend of the show (and hosts, at this point) gave me an intriguing suggestion: what about a book report? Had this past […]
I’ll admit it: I’m suffering from a case of writer’s block this week. But I still want to provide something useful and/or interesting, so I figured I’d share some resources that I’ve personally found useful for various things lately and may not have mentioned at all, or have only mentioned […]
As I mentioned in the last blog post, I’ve been trying to bolt some pretty disparate setting material together for a game I plan to start running next year around this time. Making matters more complicated, I don’t even have all of the stuff I plan to use yet, at […]
Back when I wrote the blog post about using Cthulhu Mythos material in my upcoming campaign, I made brief mention of putting material from disparate sources together cohesively and then ran right past that because I had another topic in mind. However, I tend to do the whole “blend things […]
“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” -Genesis 2:2 (NIV) Craft show season has begun. For those who aren’t aware, my wife makes her living sewing and selling purses at craft shows, and […]
As always, you can find all of the posts in this series by clicking here. Penfield is another small town located in the Yuthi desert, and is named, somewhat uncreatively, for the massive private prison in the middle of a flat plain that dominates the the town. The pen in […]
If you listen to the podcast closely, you’ve probably figured out that the game I was running in the world from my setting design series has died. Nothing dramatic, really, just the standard life stuff that tends to kill off campaigns in gaming groups consisting entirely of adults. I’m still […]
One of the problems I have as a player is that I tend to be a little too forceful. Partly because I’ve been doing a podcast for years and partly because it’s just my personality, I tend to be really enthusiastic about my gaming and I want to interject a […]
My wife had a craft show this weekend, which meant a bunch of time in the car for me. At indoor shows like this one, we take both cars out, I help her set up on day one, and come home. On day two I show up a little before […]
As always, you can find all of the posts in this series by clicking here. After the ball of pain and controversy that was February, I am so glad to be getting back to less unpleasant topics. Let’s take a look at Eisenstadt’s military forces and law enforcement. Armed and […]