With Grant out due to illness and a host of technical issues (that have thankfully since been mostly resolved) besetting us, we opted for a bonus episode this week. This episode is specifically focusing on adding some additional texture to the religious life of a Karkovian barony for a future […]
Peter Martin
I’ve written about the planned game for the Saturday group a couple of times, but one thing that’s been interesting for me is that various meta-considerations have altered my plans for it, though the general plan remains the same. So let’s talk about the way that’s happened, how the changes […]
This week’s episode is the second-quarter Patreon topic (a little late). We’ve referenced cosmic horror a number of times throughout our run, but never in this kind of depth. As is usual, we spend a bit of time catching up and then move into our Patreon question, supplied this time […]
A quick acknowledgment and thank-you to my supervisor at work is in order. I had him look this over before I posted it, and he thought of a couple of things I didn’t. In particular, the note about URL shorteners is to his credit. This post has been on my […]
Not feeling well and not being able to get to the internet robbed us of Jenny this week. However, despite that lack, this was a great episode because we had an awesome guest host! Paranoia writer WJ MacGuffin joined us to talk about incorporating real-world faiths into our gaming. We […]
Things have stabilized enough where I feel comfortable coming back to the post I wrote about King’s Quest III back in May. I mentioned in that post that I think it’d make a good fantasy scenario – let’s take a look at what that scenario would work like. Meta Considerations […]
Well folks, this is it – the last of the 3×3 grid of alignments, and arguably the worst of the worst. Note: Spoilers for the City on a Hill, Season 2 Finale from 9:12-11:35 We start off with an announcement that mirrors our recent blog post. TL;DR: we’re going to […]
So this week I have something a bit less sobering, even if the impetus behind it is tied to the last post. Based on the chatter in the Discord and on general social media, a lot of people affiliated with this community sprang for enormous itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice […]
A quick note: our two-week lead time can sometimes mean that a lot happens between when we record an episode and when we release it. On may 25th, four officers of the Minneapolis, MN police department killed George Floyd, an unarmed black man. On May 28th, we recorded this episode […]
This marks the at least temporary abandoning of our apolitical stance at Saving the Game. The world has reached a point where striving to be completely apolitical and ambiguous about our views has hampered our ability to speak as Christians. If you read Tuesday’s blog post, I mentioned that I […]
I had plans for a blog post this week. I wanted to continue off the thread I started two weeks ago where I looked at the story of King’s Quest III and break it down for game ideas. I have the start of a draft of that post. But honestly? […]
In this episode we’re joined by none other than Elizabeth Garn of Christ and Pop Culture. (Elizabeth has written some great articles about faith and gaming and she should be on your radar if she wasn’t already!) We start off the episode with the usual check-in, which includes this time […]