As always, you can find a link to the full lists of setting design reports here. Meet the Bad Guys Up until this point, I have been focusing on the places in Exadria and some of the more benign organizations. The one real exception to this rule is Grim Cities, […]
As always, you can find all the posts in this series by clicking here. This week’s blog post is going to cover a small, but important location in the setting. But before I get to that – after months of writing these posts, I have finally settled on a name […]
A discussion started over in The Tavern (the Innroads Ministries group on Facebook) today about what’s appropriate and not for Christians to play, and while I weighed in briefly at lunch, the discourse stuck with me enough that I wanted to try to pull together a more thorough treatment of […]
As always, you can find all of the posts in this series by clicking here. One of the things that happens in my games that I imagine is pretty common is that places in the setting the game takes place in automatically become richer and more detailed as soon as […]
Thanks to some pretty extravagant patron generosity and us finally getting around to cleaning up our Patreon tiers, rewards, and goals, we have an expanded explanation of how our streaming will work and some slight changes to the schedule. As long as we stay over the $60 mark on Patreon, […]
One of the most enduring themes of the podcast is the idea that tabletop RPGs are healthy, therapeutic, and good for people when used properly, and I have certainly found that to be true in my life. Another is that we as Christians should be welcoming to the outsider, which […]
As promised in a previous blog post, we’re replacing Weekend Reading with a biweekly game stream! We’ve already done this once, actually, but we figured it’d be good to formalize things and drop a post explaining how it’ll work. So here’s the basic breakdown: On non-recording Thursdays (so every other […]
As always, you can find a link to the entire series here. Note: this material is a bit more “adult” than most of the other posts in this series. Krissi is exploring some heavy, messy, difficult stuff with her character, and while it makes for really interesting and worthwhile material, […]
As always, you can find all of the posts in this series here. Where the Story Is My players have been inhabiting the town of Lostant since the beginning of the campaign, and by now they have uncovered sufficient information about the place that I feel I can write a […]
The hosts have conferred and we’ve decided to stop producing the Weekend Reading posts. They require a pretty surprising amount of work to put together, and they just weren’t getting much engagement. However, we’re not about to take something away without giving something back in return! What we have decided […]
I made a decision recently to burn the bridge back to a specific hobby of mine that I have enjoyed many hours with. Specifically, Magic: the Gathering. A quick disclaimer before I go on: I have genuinely enjoyed many games of Magic and there are some absolutely wonderful people working […]
As always, you can find links to the entire series here. Another quick note: Life Has Intervened, and while I’d still like to do collaborative blog posts with my other three players, they’re going to have to wait until things get a little less crazy. Coiled Among the Rocks The […]