It’s our one hundred fiftieth episode, and we are excited! We’ve got a lot of people to thank, of course, and spend a couple minutes at the top of the show doing that. We’ve also got a touch of podcast business, and a mention of a recent episode of the […]
Click here to download Krissi Woodward joins us again this episode to help Grant and Jenny speak a little less, since they’re both pretty sick in this episode, and to talk about character backstories with everyone! Krissi’s been on a few previous episodes can be found on Twitter as @d20mom. We […]
Download this episode (right click and save) This week, we’re talking about positive metagaming! First, we catch up a bit and recap what games we’ve played recently (including Peter’s terrifying encounter with a flock of seagulls and Jenny’s Beyond the Wall game.) Then, Grant goes on for a while about […]
Hey, folks—Grant here. I’m taking over the blog post from Peter this week, but I’m sure he’ll be back in two weeks with more of his usual good stuff. I have a small admission to make: I’ve been feeling frustrated and dissatisfied lately. Some of this stems from ongoing anxiety […]
Download this episode (right click and save) In this episode, Grant and Peter discuss naming characters and renaming characters! We kick things off with a conversation about the games Grant’s playing right now—Pugmire, Fellowship, and No Thank You, Evil!—and attempt to answer a question from Patreon backer Rich about play-by-post gaming. […]
So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. – Acts 10:34-35 Gaming, as we have stated many times before, has the potential to be a powerful […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Former Methodist minister and current Wizards of the Coast writer James Wyatt joins us to talk about designing pantheons for fantasy settings! James is a long-time D&D writer with a multitude of major credits, and he’s currently writing for the Magic: the Gathering […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Grant and Peter reprise Episode 60’s “Gaming Curriculum” topic, with another set of suggested media! These are things we think you should read, watch, play, or experience away from the gaming table which will make you a better player and gamemaster. Check the full […]