A quick note: our two-week lead time can sometimes mean that a lot happens between when we record an episode and when we release it. On may 25th, four officers of the Minneapolis, MN police department killed George Floyd, an unarmed black man. On May 28th, we recorded this episode […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Mike Perna of Innroads Ministries joins us at the appointed hour, to give our listeners some real, practical advice on running small gaming events for your church or community! First, though, we talk about a few other things, in no particular order: Our […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Derek Knutsen, co-host of THE ESTABLiSHED FACTS and the mind behind Palegain Press, joins us to talk about charitable activity happening at Fear the Con 8 and some tips on running convention games! Derek has run Fear the Charity events at Fear the […]
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”—Ecclesiastes 1:9 There’s something appropriate to the fact that Solomon’s words are about 3000 years old, and while he may not have given humanity enough credit in terms of technology, […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Peter and Branden take a break from the usual episode sequence to talk about their story and game ideas that haven’t made it to the table yet! We also plug Save Against Fear 2014, in Lancaster, PA, September 12-14. (Branden might actually be […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Professor Branden schools Peter and Grant on some traditional lists of archetypal stories! We start things off with a reminder that Peter will be at Fear the Con 7 from June 12th to June 14th (find him there and say ‘hello’!), and a […]
Download this episode (right click and save) We’re back with more virtues! This time, we’re talking about the virtue of Patience, and its glosses of Peace and Mercy. As usual, we discuss and define Patience from a theological perspective, and then talk about its in-character and at-the-table uses. Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7:8-9, Hebrews […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Grant, Peter, and Branden continue our Virtues & Vices series with a look at Temperance! We talk over the usual news, and thank those who’ve commented on past episodes (that’s always nice.) Then we dive into our Temperance discussion: How it’s commonly used […]
Download this episode (right click and save) Peter and Branden cover a variety of minor topics in this episode: Our STG group on Steam; Christian video game sites like GameChurch and Christ Centered Gamer; books we recommend for Christian geeks; Methodist circuit riders; games that Peter and Branden would love […]