Download this episode (right click and save) (Fixed audio. Apologies!) This episode’s conversation about mass combat—a topic selected by our Patreon supporters—turned out to be so big, we’re following this one up with another episode on a related topic next time! Before that, though, we’ve got a lot of other […]
pat roper
3 posts
Download this episode (right click and save) Grant, Peter, and Jenny discuss playing characters who are much better—or much worse—at things than you yourself are! This topic was selected by our Patreon backers, whom we’re very grateful for and who bring you this show every other week. First, though, we […]
If you come to Fear the Con X, there is a significant (we hope, at least) chance that you will see Jenny and me walking around with ABSURD fake beards on. We’re going to be participating in a convention-wide charity fundraiser for Pat Roper. Pat’s a great guy, and a […]