We’ve decided that a fun way to carve some enjoyment out of this uncooperative year is to do a general spooky topics roundup and so we’ve got another one for you this week. We start off with some exciting news: Jenny has done a fashion walk and Peter is on […]
If you like our longer episodes, you’re in for a treat with this one. We had a lot to say this time, and the fact that we recorded this one in two different sections due to some connection issues probably also contributed to the overall length. We start off as […]
Though we’ve done an episode on undeath in general, we figured that ghosts deserved an episode of their own, since they occupy a somewhat unique role in fiction. We start the episode off with a check-in as usual and… last Monday and the days leading up to it were rough, […]
With Grant out due to illness and a host of technical issues (that have thankfully since been mostly resolved) besetting us, we opted for a bonus episode this week. This episode is specifically focusing on adding some additional texture to the religious life of a Karkovian barony for a future […]
This week’s episode is the second-quarter Patreon topic (a little late). We’ve referenced cosmic horror a number of times throughout our run, but never in this kind of depth. As is usual, we spend a bit of time catching up and then move into our Patreon question, supplied this time […]
Not feeling well and not being able to get to the internet robbed us of Jenny this week. However, despite that lack, this was a great episode because we had an awesome guest host! Paranoia writer WJ MacGuffin joined us to talk about incorporating real-world faiths into our gaming. We […]
Well folks, this is it – the last of the 3×3 grid of alignments, and arguably the worst of the worst. Note: Spoilers for the City on a Hill, Season 2 Finale from 9:12-11:35 We start off with an announcement that mirrors our recent blog post. TL;DR: we’re going to […]
A quick note: our two-week lead time can sometimes mean that a lot happens between when we record an episode and when we release it. On may 25th, four officers of the Minneapolis, MN police department killed George Floyd, an unarmed black man. On May 28th, we recorded this episode […]
In this episode we’re joined by none other than Elizabeth Garn of Christ and Pop Culture. (Elizabeth has written some great articles about faith and gaming and she should be on your radar if she wasn’t already!) We start off the episode with the usual check-in, which includes this time […]
This week we have more unstructured, conversational episode for you. Grant and Peter realized back in episode 173 that we’d like to talk about when players know what the GM is planning, but as we talked about the upcoming episode, we all realized that what we had was more of […]
Grant, Peter and Jenny are joined by Jason Brick, veteran freelance writer in the TTRPG industry (and several others besides!). We kick off with a little chatter and swiftly move into our Patreon question from Joseph Linardon who asks ” What would be your dream job?” Answering that takes significantly […]
The hosts are all here for this one, and we kick off with a discussion of our games, which are generally going quite well, and a bit about the homeschooling of Grant’s kids during the pandemic lockdown. The Patreon question this episode comes from Paige Lowe, who asks ” How […]